Queen Nzinga Saturday School visits Caribbean exhibition at Tate Britain
Life Between Islands Caribbean British Art – 1950s – Now
With COVID restrictions lifted, the Queen Nzinga Saturday School Club organised a visit to the Tate Britain for the Life Between Islands Caribbean British Art 1950s to Now exhibition. During the Spring term, packed with learning activities, the team, children, parents and teachers, explored the art on display.
Many of the pieces resonated with the learning the children and young people had already experienced in class, for example, the New Cross fire and the Haitian Revolution. A particular hit with both parents and young people was the Front Room (see picture above) as many recalled similar rooms they had experienced either at their own homes or at those of their grandparents.
Louise Brown, director and curriculum lead of the Queen Nzinga Saturday School Club commented on the trip, “This was an excellent opportunity for our young people to deepen their knowledge of their communities’ use of art to explore and tell their own stories. It is thanks in great part to the commitment of the Queen Nzinga parents to be fully involved in developing their children’s heritage that this memorable trip was able to happen.”