Previous Events
Parents Action & Resource Centre hosts and attends events of many different kinds and plans on doing more in the future, for an idea of what PARC supports, view our past events.
PARC Listening Hub – Northolt Village
December 2021: PARC invites principal educational psychologist Harrow Council Hugh Watson to Northolt Village Community Centre to discuss SEND provision and the needs of the Black child
Coffee Saturday: Former Brent head teacher Robert Singh and youth practitioner Daniel Pink joins parents to discuss their experiences of closing the attainment gap in inner London schools. Saturday 26th February 2020.
Coffee Saturday: Ealing Schools Partnership Lead, Sarah Thompson joins PARC to discuss new project aimed at addressing African Caribbean attainment. Saturday 25th January 2020.
Coffee Saturday: CEO and founder of The Black Curriculum Lavinia Stennett joins PARC and the West London Teachers to talk about how parents and educators can include Black history in their children’s learning.Saturday 16th November 2019.
Coffee Saturday: Launch of West London Teachers Hub with guest speaker: Patrica Rodney of the Walter Rodney Foundation. Saturday 26th October 2019.
PARC Listening Hub – London Metropolitan University
Women together creating change in education, Park Lane Primary School. Speakers: Marcia Steele and Crystal Norbert. Guest singer: Olaide Steele.
Saturday 9th March 2019.
Help your child achieve greater success, London Metropolitan University, Saturday 24 November 2018. Guest speaker: Stella Dadzie
Are parent forums key to ending school exclusions? University of Westminster, Saturday 23rd June 2018
Launch of unconscious bias campaign, University of Westminster, Saturday 3rd March 2018
Understanding your education rights, University of Westminster, Saturday 10 February 2018
Black Parents Conference 2017, London Metropolitan University, Saturday 28 October 2017
Changing the Narrative. Guest speaker: Tony Warner of Black History Walks, University of Westminster, Saturday 24 June 2017
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