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Queen Nzinga Saturday School visits Caribbean exhibition at Tate Britain

Queen Nzinga Saturday School visits Caribbean exhibition at Tate Britain

Life Between Islands Caribbean British Art – 1950s – Now  With COVID restrictions lifted, the Queen Nzinga Saturday School Club organised a visit to the Tate Britain for the Life Between Islands Caribbean British Art 1950s to Now exhibition. During the Spring term, packed with learning activities, the team, children, parents and teachers, explored the […]

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PARC discusses diversity of reading books for children with “See Me on the Page”

PARC discusses diversity of reading books for children with “See Me on the Page”

Calls for schools to increase the diversity of reading books has been a constant demand of Black parents over the years. Parents Action and Resource Centre was pleased to be invited to a group discussion with parents and children by Crystal Norbert of seemeonthepage, an organisation established to promote more diversity of reading books in […]

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Parents Action and Resource Centre (PARC) launches new education advice service to support parents tackle the attainment gap

In response to the significant and persistent gaps in the educational attainment of Ealing Black pupils, Parents Action and Resource Centre (PARC) has today launched a new education advice service. This service will provide advice and guidance for all parents of Black and Black dual heritage children on improving the educational experience and attainment for their children.

The £10,000 project, funded by the National Lottery, will provide an online drop-in clinic (via Zoom) and four workshops led by specialist education advocates. The drop-in clinic will run during term time on Wednesday evenings (6pm-7pm) and Thursday afternoons (12pm-2pm). In addition, they will provide four Connected Community Champions workshops, a free programme aimed at parents who are members of parent forums or would like support in starting a parent forum.  The workshops will start on 20th January 2024 and include a blend of two 90 minute face-to-face sessions and two 90-minute online webinars.

Angela McGowan, one of the directors of PARC, said, “We know that parents want to do all they can to support their child’s educational experience and ensure they get the best academic results they can.  The drop-in and workshops give them the support they need to do this.”

For more information on the the drop-in clinic and workshops, email: